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Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
The following are the terms and conditions for VISHWA INNOVATIVE EDUSOLUTIONS PVT LTD online Enrolment portal. By submitting our online registration form for enrolment you are accepting to the following terms and conditions.
Definitions :
User - online coaching buyer, the student, service buyer, website visitor.
Terms & Conditions
1. VISHWA has every right to change/ delete/ add the content on the portal without any announcement. User/buyer is limited to the content and exams provided by the portal.
2. VISHWA can advance or postpone the class schedule (for Classroom coaching / Live coaching), which will be announced on our website.
3. For availing exclusive offers user shall provide the documents as listed below. In case VISHWA noticed any discrepancy, offer will be null & void and the user has to pay the difference fee (Difference of total fee and offer fee)
1. Offer / Coupan code based on College profile (Ex : Coupon code for Student of IIT) : Copy of Valid ID Card
2. Offer / Coupan code based on academic % or CGPA : Marks list from 1 st year to till date
3. Offer / Coupan code based on Rank (i.e Top 5 / Top 3 etc) : Letter from Head of the Department stating the rank of student & Copy of Valid ID Card.
4. User is required to provide correct information at the time of registration. If VISHWA feels that the information is incorrect, it is responsibility of the user to provide proof for the information. If required, VISHWA can update the information stored in the its data base and user account.
5. Transaction fees charged would not be refunded/ reversed for any refund or reversal and chargeback of any transaction
6. User/Buyer who is appearing for GATE / PSUs / APPSC / TSPSC /any other competitive for which user has used VISHWA products / services is required to submit Hall-ticket copy future verification.
7. User is not allowed to share his/her user credentials (for VISHWA account) to anyone.
8. VISHWA will not entertain request for transferring user from one branch of engineering to another branch after registration
9. VISHWA will not entertain request for transferring user from one branch to another branch location after registration
10. VISHWA has right to use result of the successful candidates for its business promotions for GATE or IES or PSU in any Year.
11. We as a merchant shall be under no liability whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly out of the decline of authorization for any Transaction, on Account of the Cardholder having exceeded the preset limit mutually agreed by us with our acquiring bank from time to time.
Refund will be processed only for SMART Coaching courses only and if the below conditions are met
1. Refund will be processed only in case the request is raised within 5 days from the date of payment
2. Refund request shall be raised before user watch any one of the video lecture and attempted any one test
3. Refund request shall be sent from the mail id registered with us
4. Deductions : The below charges will be deducted from the total fee paid and balance will be refunded.
1. One time registration charges
2. Cost of study material if the same is dispatched before the refund request
5. No refund will be entertained under any circumstances if any of the above conditions are not met.
6. No refund will be entertained for Classroom coaching, Postal Coaching & Online Test Series under any circumstances.
Privacy Policy
1. VISHWA has complete rights on the data submitted using enrolment forms
2. VISHWA does not share the data to 3rd party individuals or institutes, with exception to Indian State and Central Government organizations
3. VISHWA will use the data for its promotional purposes